Get out of your comfort zone

When was the last time you tried something new?  Every year I strive to discover a new thing that I would not have considered previously.  Some years this has been to try a new sport, others a new cooking technique.  Each time this requires a bit of risk, I may not like it, I may fail.  

Even if I have not been immediately successful, I never regret trying something new.  

Getting out of my comfort zone is always a challenge.  It is so much easier to continue the status quo that we create for ourselves.  But, that is boring and doesn't challenge us in new ways.  Without a regular challenge we can become apathetic, stagnant, and lose our ability to effectively communicate with others with different experiences.

When we leave our comfort zone for new experiences we discover a different component of ourselves.  We can grow through new challenges and expand our horizons.  

You never know what you can accomplish until you try.  

What new thing will you try that will take you away from your comfort zone?  For me this year, it is expanding my business and running the most challenging ultra that I have signed up for.  Even if I am not 100% successful in these endeavors, I will strive to learn as much as possible and be a better person and physician for it.


Sara Love, ND

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